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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Christ Alone Journey

I want to invite you to my new blog "Christ Alone Journey".  While I'm still referring to devotionals that I read and commenting on the same, I will be adding posts from my personal study.  I believe this blog served it's purpose initially as I've started this process, however the title doesn't really fit my goals.

My goal is to challenge, encourage and motivate others in their walk with Christ.  I believe that we need input from multiple sources in our journey, however we MUST keep our eyes FIXED on JESUS CHRIST.  To this end I have been able to establish "Christ Alone Journey".

I would be honored to have you follow my new blog.  More importantly, I seek your input in the way of comments to my blogs.  "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another". ~Proverbs 27:17(NIV).  We each need to guidance of the Holy Spirit as we journey through this life and we should also seek solid input from Christians who are seeking to grow in God's grace.

I'll be deleting this specific blog at the end of the year.  I'm sure you've noticed already the lack of posts to this site already and this has been the result of both my concentration on the new site and time constraints.

I would love for you to join my new site and follow me there.  Christ Alone Journey is where you'll find challenges, encouragement and motivation to stay close to our Father and seek His will and way for your journey here.

Blessings & Peace

Christ Alone Journey

Wednesday, November 16, 2011