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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Surrender - Not So Much Sacrifice

In my devotional today from "At His Feet" by Chris Tiegreen, the following is quoted:

"LIBERATING SURRENDER" - "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." - Matthew 16:24

Chris talks about there are two different attitudes toward this verse.  One of sacrifice and one of surrender.

He makes the point, and I fully agree, we must get past the "pain" of sacrifice and realize the "Liberating Surrender" that comes in following Christ.

I wish time allowed me to just reprint the entire devotion here, however I can't.  Let me leave you with my closing thought and then another quote:

Father, help me to embrace the complete denial of self so that I may fully embrace all of You with complete joy!

"Carry the cross patiently and with perfect submission, and in the end it shall carry you." - Thomas a Kempis

Blessings & Peace

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Door of Full Surrender

TGIF « Marketplace Leaders

Doors present opportunities... One door requires of us complete faith as we have ZERO control over the journey. The other door, is the opportunity as we would see our journey and provides us with the illusion of control....

Would you or I, will we choose the door of complete surrender and experience the fullness of G-d and HIS will that takes our life to levels beyond expectation?

Fullness of life, life more abundant, lightness of yoke and burden's of greater ease! These are what Christ promised and they wait for us. We also know that the best things are those things that have been greatly tested, so there will be trials and tribulation in the journey.

What a journey it will be!!! Full of Christ and life beyond measure. Life that satisfies beyond anything dreamed! This is what waits for us in HIM!

Be BLESSED Always!!!