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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Our Misgivings About Jesus | My Utmost For His Highest

Our Misgivings About Jesus | My Utmost For His Highest:
"My misgivings arise from the fact that I search within to find how He will do what He says. My doubts spring from the depths of my own inferiority. If I detect these misgivings in myself, I should bring them into the light and confess them openly— “Lord, I have had misgivings about You. I have not believed in Your abilities, but only my own. And I have not believed in Your almighty power apart from my finite understanding of it.”" - Oswald Chambers

Talk about being brutally honest with yourself! I can quote several partial verses here to drive home a point about our pride, self and so on... Truth is we struggle daily with self - our own ability to succeed without any one's assistance. The truth is without God's divine intervention in our lives, we'd be a bigger mess that we are already!

Choosing to be dependent on God for all we need, will need and desire places our heart and life completely where it belongs - in God's (our creator's) hand! When we accept that God does in fact have the perfect plan for our life, we will begin to experience the fullness of life. We will begin to drink from the deepest well with total refreshment.

The well of Christ never runs dry, His bounty is without end and His grace without measure! What an awesome place to find ourselves!!!

Be BLESSED Always!

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