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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Discipline of Dismay | My Utmost For His Highest

The Discipline of Dismay | My Utmost For His Highest

"The discipline of dismay is an essential lesson which a disciple must learn. The danger is that we tend to look back on our times of obedience and on our past sacrifices to God in an effort to keep our enthusiasm for Him strong (see Isaiah 1:10-11)."

How often do we look longingly back and think, "If I just could love Christ like I did when...?" or pray, "Lord help me to be on fire for You like I was....?"

The truth is that we are very different now than we were then. You and I are today the product of our life, both good and bad. The result of decisions made, paths chosen and friendships made and lost. With that said, our relationship with our Father, Christ and the Holy Spirit is exactly what we've put into this relationship.

Being honest with ourselves is the first step and God already knows our heart. He already knows what we'll choose today and tomorrow. His goal is to draw near to us and so He waits for us to make the step toward Him. Not only now and today, but everyday and throughout every moment of everyday! To say boldly with conviction, "Lord I'm yours! I belong completely to You! I choose to live my life wholly and fully devoted to YOU!!!"

Let's make the right choice and live in the confidence of God's word, "For we are HIS workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which GOD prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them" (Ephesians 2:10). This doesn't mean we will live free of mistakes, it does mean that God has a plan and purpose! Lastly, remember this....HIS GRACE is sufficient!

Be BLESSED Always!!!

1 comment:

  1. Amen, we belong to Jesus and his grace will be sufficient:)
