"If Joseph had not been Egypt's prisoner, he had never been Egypt's governor. The iron chain about his feet ushered in the golden chain about his neck.--Selected"
The richness of "Old English" always brings to mind heartier times. Meaning more rustic days as compared to the modern conveniences of today. Might the simpler days have been better, not really. Every person is born for their time and here's the point....
Even today, we seek the easier road. There's no doubt that mankind has always sought to make things easier, better and more efficient. If that wasn't true, we wouldn't be where we are today with technology.
Hard work produces satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. Anything EASILY gained or received is just as EASILY dismissed. We have in this devotional another example that brings home this point.
Joseph, always having the dreams of an easier life where he's in charge and set above. He never dreamed what it would take or actually be like to lead.
So the journey took what appeared to be in the opposite direction. Utter failure and maybe complete loss seemed to be his lot for life. However, God ordered the events of his life in such a fashion that he would with greater faculty lead and love.
Only through great trials, he learned how to lead with the love, compassion, and heart of God. Forgiving what appeared to be great "wrongs", because he recognized God was in every step and at every turn.
We too must choose to endure the rough, ugly, and perplexing times of this life with our eyes firmly fixed on Christ. Only through the fire will we shine and glorify our Father and His kingdom.
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