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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Take the Initiative | My Utmost For His Highest

Take the Initiative | My Utmost For His Highest:

"If you hesitate when God tells you to do something, you are being careless, spurning the grace in which you stand. Take the initiative yourself, make a decision of your will right now, and make it impossible to go back."

Be committed, be certain and go where HE leads. This takes practice, heeding God's direction. It starts with small steps and leads to bigger steps. God doesn't force us to step in His ways or on His path. He will show us the way and then we must act. Growth is an "on purpose" activity.

Don't stand still and expect our Father to just give to you. We are in a relationship with The Most High, our Father and Creator of all we see and those things which we do not and cannot see. This relationship more than any other requires work on our part. There's no "free lunch" on this path.

God's gift of salvation requires us to reach out and receive the gift. So too does our growth require our action, our steps of faith. God promises to complete His work and that we are that workmanship. Our part is the willing piece of the whole process and this is our work.

Being created with free will and having fallen from grace, means we now must work at this relationship. Controlling my self will, my self desires and all independence within me...this is the work.

As God's child, I've chosen Him! His path for me, His will for me and His way for my life. Praise God for the choice, now we/I must roll up our sleeves and surrender daily and moment by moment to all the HE wants to work in me for HIS glory and honor!!!

It is the road less traveled and the way is narrow. How great is the reward?! Unmistakable and without rival. God is the prize and yet we will benefit for all eternity in HIS presence when we choose HIM and HIM alone!!!

Be BLESSED Always!

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