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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Steve Jobs and the Seven Rules of Success |

Steve Jobs and the Seven Rules of Success |

I once heard a pastor say, "I love taking from the world and using it for God". Steve Jobs' position on faith and religion are not my topic of discussion today. I do find great value in the article I'm sharing on this blog today.

Just as any man or woman can live by the principles of the bible and still spend eternity in hell, separated from God. You can employ the principles lived by Steve Jobs in business and not own your own business. They can still help you succeed in life.

"Do what you love." - I've heard it said over and over again, "do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life". Spend time loving God and choosing to do those things that draw you near to Him and you'll find yourself wanting to do those things that honor Him. Unlike our relationship with our spouse, we can't get things to show how we fill. All we can do is live out our love for Christ by allowing God to form us into His image. Love being used by and formed into Christ's image.

Think about this point today. Allow the Holy Spirit to work this idea deeply into your spirit. Ask our Father to help you grab ahold of HIS vision for your life. You'll be surprised to find that the thing(s) you already love to do, are in fact a huge part of what God created you to do.

Blessings & Peace

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